Caden got a skateboard for his b-day and he thought that he knew how to ride it good enough not to wear pads or shoes. He got pretty scraped up but he was really tough about it, and he is actually not bad at the whole skateboarding thing.
And the Butterfly Party
We had a ball on our little family trip to Chicago in August. Thank you Hannah and Brian for everything. We got to visit the Lincoln Park Zoo...
Millennium Park
and Navy Pier (but the camera batteries were dead that day)It was great to have some family time with Daddy, see some sites, and visit with good friends.
Caden also started soccer. He isn't sure if he loves it...well he likes the running around but he is still a little timid when it comes to getting in there and kicking the ball. He is really learning though and we love to watch him. Brady is helping coach the team and I think he has found his calling in life.
We visited the Children's Museum and dressed up like our favorite super hero friends
Kamrie took a dance class from a great friend here and she did awesome. She loved dancing and she would show me her twirls, her plie', and her ballet positions all day on Monday after class. Thank you Miss Joy for such a fun introduction to dancing, we hopes she makes a great dancer someday.
And finally the kids had their first day of school. They both go to the YMCA and they love it. Kamrie can't stop talking about all the fun she has and she can't wait to show me the crafts that they work on each time I go pick her up. Caden is thrilled to go and he is learning a lot about letters, reading, and eating healthy.
So there it is, in a nutshell what we have been up to the last couple of months. We are doing great and really looking forward to a visit from our grandma and grandpa next week. We can't wait to see you.