"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kamrie Jo

As I sat writing the post for Caden's Birthday I was amazed at the flood of thoughts and emotions that came rushing back as I remembered and even relived, to an extent, the events of the wonderful day he joined our family, so I decided to do the same thing for little blessing #2. Going back to August 2006...throughout this pregnancy I had been planning on trying a "traditional" birth despite the c-section we endured to get Caden here. My doctor was willing to try as long as he didn't see any red flags and so we proceeded with that thought in mind until about a month before my due date. My doctor and one of his partners saw some potential risks of an "unusually thin uterus" that they weren't comfortable with so instead of causing complications that would make for an "exciting arrival" like Caden's we decided to try to make this one a little more low key. We scheduled a c-section for 10 days before my due date which would make the new "birthday" August 16, 2006. My parents flew in late on the 14th so they could be a part of the entire event this time and we were thrilled to have them. The Indiana State Fair was going on so the night before our precious baby arrived we entertained ourselves with animal barns, fair food, music, the world's largest boar, and an adorable litter of new piglets. Caden had a ball at the fair with grandma and grandpa despite the call to posion control earlier that day because he had gotten into grandma's bag and taken some of her thyroid medicine. The next morning I was scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 6am and we would likely have a baby girl shortly after 8am. Brady and my dad gave me a blessing of comfort so that I could hopefully get some sleep for the big day ahead. We stayed up late that night chatting and after everyone else went to bed I just laid with Caden as he slept and loved him. After all, that was the last night he was going to be my only baby, it was a pretty emotional thing for me (but then again so was moving him from my room to the crib when he was a few months old, then moving him from the crib to a big boy bed...these little milestones really get me). The next morning I woke up early, took a shower, and got myself ready to go meet our baby girl. This time things went very smooth...it was sort of like going on a little vacation and coming home with a baby. We checked into the hospital just like a hotel and were led to a comfy little room where I got changed and they started the IV drip.

Of course right away I started to freeze so I got a pile of the nice warm blankets that they get right from the warmer. It seemed like from that point everything went in slow motion. I answered tons of questions for paperwork and just relaxed as much as possible. After what seemed like an entire day of sitting there my parents arrived with Caden right around 8am, the surgery was scheduled to start then, but things were a little behind so I got to see them first. I held Caden and watched Calliou while Brady changed into the "daddy gear." Not long after the rest of the family arrived, the nurse came and wheeled me away...there were hugs lots of hugs and kisses and a whole lot of anticipation as I left the room to get started. The anaesthesiologist had a little trouble poking me in the right spot but my legs soon started tingling and I started to feel warm (my favorite part of the epidural). Brady was then allowed to come in, the drape went up, and Dr. Boothe started the show. I'm not sure how long it took before it started but I got really dizzy and had really intense chest pain that went up into my neck and down my arm. I immediately started thinking..."oh great here goes the excitement." Brady could tell something was wrong and asked me if I was okay, I told him I was fine but then I started to cry, I thought I was having a heart attack. The anaesthesiologist asked what was going on, I told him what hurt and soon had me feeling much better after some minor adjustments. I'm still not sure what the heart attack symptoms were all about but I was really glad when they subsided and I was able to listen to the doctor's and nurses chat calmly as they delivered my healthy baby girl. She arrived in all her glory at 8:58am, she was 7 lbs 4 oz. and 20.5 in. long. As the nurse took my whimpering little one from the doctor over to the table where they do all the measurements and clean them up a bit, I caught my very first glimpse of my beautiful little girl. She was absolutely perfect in every way!

They got her stats, wrapped her up tight, and brought her to Brady and I. Right away I noticed she had the most adorable dimples...I love dimples and they were definitely one of the very first things I noticed and loved about her. As Dr. Boothe stitched me up we continued to ogle and fall in love with our new little princess. She didn't have a name quite yet...Brady kind of liked the last minute naming situation with Caden so we left that for later. They kept her right with me this time so as soon as I was out of recovery the rest of the family could come in and meet our newest addition. Caden wasn't sure what to think but Grandma and Grandpa fell in love instantly just like we did.

The next couple of days, we picked out names and hung around the hospital relaxing and recovering. Mom and Dad brought Caden in everyday to see little sis and play on mom's bed so we were never lonely.

Kamrie was a great sleeper right from the start and an even better eater. We got to bring our little Kamrie Jo home on August 19th, 2006 (Grandpa's birthday) it was a wonderful day...and each and every one since she has filled with the joy that her special little spirit brings. We love her so much and can't imagine that there was a time when she wasn't a part of our lives...our family would be empty without her. Sure she packs a little drama and a whole lot of attitude but we wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Birthday little one...we love you.


Veronica said...

I love to hear birthing stories. Isn't it crazy how much you miss your other kid while you are in the hospital havinig another. That was very hard for me too. But you know you are getting such a wonderful gift too, so it does kind of balance out. ---Kamrie is absolutly a doll. She was a very pretty baby too.

Laura said...

I love that 'checking into a hotel' feel of having a baby--just one more thing I love about inducing.

Wow! 2 years old. Isn't it crazy how quickly the time passes?

Unknown said...

No fair! You look so beautiful even when you are having babies!! Kamrie is such a doll and I loved reading the story of "birthday" Happy Birthday Kamrie!!

Jayson & Carrie said...

My favorite part about this is her middle name! I remember growing up I didn't always like "jo" for a middle name because I thought it sounded like a boy. It wasn't until middle school when I started hearing other girls in our grade (and there seemed to be quite a few!) with that middle name that I was okay with it. It was special to me to be able to have my first girl have that name also..Tessa Jo... So, I love your name Kamrie Jo! :)

Anonymous said...

I love to hear how you've had your kids! What fun! Kamrie is a cute name... how did you pick it out? She is beautiful just like her Momma! HAPPY B-DAY KAMRIE!

Lindy said...

She can cop all the attitude she wants...she's still a sweetie! Happy Birthday Kamrie!

Diesta said...

Happy Birthday to Kamrie !!!! enjoy them while they are little , they grow up so fast. She is so cute !!!!

TORI, SHAD, AND TY said...

Thanks for sharing your story! I hope Kamrie had a good b-day! You look so good in that picture while you were in labor and what a beautiful baby Kamrie was!

B-Daddy said...

What a cutie! Here is who we think she looks like. Cindy Lou Who from Dr. Seuss's "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas."
