"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Should'a Been a Cowboy

Every year they have a really fun Rodeo and "fair-like" thing here in Denver called the stock show. I don't really understand why it is in January...it was cold, but we had a blast. Thanks Dave and Joy for going with us and adding to the fun.

The kids loved the animals
They had a great time watching the cowboys, but Caden did admit to being a little worried about the baby cows. Avery doesn't love to sit through anything, but she loved the cheering and clapping.


Anonymous said...

Your family is the cutest! Miss you guys! Love being able to see your parents a little on this too! They are the best!

Tidi said...

Your blog makes me want to cry. It is so sweet. You have a beautiful family!