"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Training Wheels Are OFF

So we are up to June in our catch up game...

When Caden was just 3 he was sure it was time to learn to ride his bike without training wheels. There was a lot of hesitation on my part because I didn't want him to get hurt and never want to try again. Luckily Brady is much more rational and had lots of faith in the little guy, they went out one afternoon and proved mommy wrong.

Well this time was a little different, Kamrie is a bit more timid with physical tasks and much more emotional so we just didn't push it, at all. She is 4 and has never even really talked about riding without training wheels. One day in June she decided it was time. Because of all the emotion Brady and I were both hesitant but she was AWESOME. She took off and before I even got outside with the camera she was riding like a pro. Daddy said she did it the very first time. What a big Girl!

So Proud!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woot! Woot! Good job girly!