"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Performance of the Year

Kamrie had a Christmas program this year and she was so excited. If you know Kamrie, you know she is quite the performer. She was directly in the front and center of her class, I think they may have done this on purpose because there are some kids who are still pretty timid at this age. Not Kam...She had no problem with the actions and she put on quite the show. I was there myself with the other kids so I wasn't able to video it but I have had others tell me they will give me a copy of theirs because she was so fun to watch.
This is the picture I took before we left the house. She chose the pose herself.Kamrie and one of her besties, Lainey after the show.
I love that these girlies are such great friends. Lainey, Leena, and Kamrie.

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