"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Potty Time

So Kamrie has been pretty interested in the potty for quite some time but I think I just wasn't ready for the pain of it all, I know I should get the fabulous mom award right? Finally on Tuesday when she woke up and requested "Panties" I let her put them on and actually helped her through the day. That day she only had one minor accident when she didn't make it to the potty in time. Things were still going pretty well...fast forward to Friday morning. Only a couple hours after waking up she had already wet her pants 3 times, that is more than the past few days put together. Then to top it all off, I was talking with my visiting teachers in the front room when I hear a shout from Caden upstairs. I start up the stairs and smell something funny...when I get there I am informed that Kamrie has pooped on the floor. By this time we are about out of real panties (even tough she didn't dirty any while pooing on the floor) so I resort to pull-ups thinking that she will completely go backwards with those on, however the rest of the night went much better. Just when I was about to throw in the towel she gives me a little glimmer of hope. I know I need to stick with it but I still hope we don't have very many more days like that.


Janelle said...

don't give up once you have your baby you will defintely want her very much potty trained as 2 in diapers is no fun I should know we have been there for 2 years!

Melissa said...

man, I am not looking forward to potty training.

Melissa said...

oh and I tagged you :) so check out my blog

Laura said...

Ugh! I hate, hate, hate potty training. At least it doesn't last forever.

Good luck!

Veronica said...

I just got done making a post on this very topic. That would be so great for you if she got potty trained before your next baby. At least you have a little experience under your belt with one done. Good luck:)

Jenny said...

At least she is trying. I have tried to force it on Sammy. BIG MISTAKE. Now she wants nothing to do with it.

Unknown said...

Hang in there Beck, she will get it with a little more time. I am still struggling to get the bottle away from Charlee (at night) so I can even look forward to potty training yet (sigh) oh the joys of mommy-hood! Love ya, take care!