"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Monday, August 10, 2009

All the fun

It seems like everyone has been updating lately so it is nice to know that I'm not the only one that has gotten behind this summer. I haven't been really great at remembering the camera all the time, but here are some of the things we have been up to the last few months.

Getting to know, and loving our new baby sister.

The end, but also a new beginning.

Some of the grads

A few of the wives. These girls and many others like them were my family while we were in Indy. They will forever hold a special place in my heart. Thanks girls for all the memories. You will be missed.
The kids, all tuckered out from helping with the move.Kamrie and I on the flight from Indy to Utah. Thanks Linz and Whit for all the help and for making the trip so much fun. Kamrie still talks about it.
Sun and Snow, just a few days apart.
We went to Utah and had some beautiful boating weather. The water was freezing but the sun was shining.

Then a couple days later we were in Idaho and were able to take the kids sleigh riding and snowmobiling in the hills where there was still snow, and the sun was still shining. Talk about the best of both worlds.

Fun at our new house

Still growing...

These baby birds were the craziest thing this year. Three different times we found baby birds in our window well. My guess is they were learning how to fly. This time I let Caden catch him and put him in the back yard. What a big guy.

We love our Cousins

Freedom, Fireworks, and Fun! July 4th, 09


Unknown said...

It was fun to look at some photos of what fun you guys have been or have had this summer. I hope we get to see some pics of your new house!
I'm glad that the older kids are adjusting to the new baby. She is so adorable!

Jacob and Meredith Hammond said...

Your blog is so cute! I especially love the little quotes on the side - your kids are hilarious!!!

Kristi said...

Hi Becky! Your kids are soooo cute! Your little Avery Mae is so incredibly precious! Congrats to you and your sweet family! And how great that your husband is done with dental school. YAY!!! Your blog is adorable. Take care. Kristi

Anonymous said...

when you hold baby sis and sit with your legs spread open, please pull your knickers aside so I can see your delightful bald p=ssy