"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mama Said Ther'd Be Days Like This

The title says it all. I really wondered if we would all make it through today, but since everyone is sleeping soundly, I can now document the craziness. I woke up this morning after getting less sleep than I would have liked, but that is all part of motherhood, right? We all rushed to get ready for a Birthday party that Caden would be attending and for Kamrie's swimming lessons. It seems that with the 3 kids getting out of the house before 10 is isn't easy but can be done. We were only a few minutes late for the party which started at 10...sunblock and all. We dropped Caden off and headed to the rec. center for swimming. Kamrie walked right in and was excited for class. Avery was hungry so in spite of the sweltering heat at the indoor pool, I covered up and started nursing. Not long after I started, Kamrie was leaning just a little too far at the edge of the pool and fell in. Keep in mind, she is 2 and can't touch or swim on her own. Her teacher was helping one of the other kids in her class and not within reach...the kids are supposed to say on the ledge and wait their turn. So anyway, I see her fall, rip Avery away from her "meal" and try frantically to cover myself and move toward my drowning daughter. The whole time I'm looking around to see if anyone else is noticing her and trying to get someone's attention. Finally, the lifeguard on duty notices, blows her whistle, and jumps to her aid. She was fine. She sucked in some water and was pale for a minute but couldn't wait to keep swimming. Needless to say it scared me to death. That was the first big scare the next few won't be quite as detailed as it would take me all night, but that one needed a little explanation.
After the water scare we came home quickly had lunch and went to pick up Caden. Avery was getting hungry as her earlier meal was interrupted by a drowning sister so upon getting home I attempted to feed her again. As usual when that happens Kamrie sees just what she can get away with. She pushed...I counted...she pushed more and so I had to get up and deal with it. I get up, lay Avery on the couch , grab Kamrie's hand, walk 2 steps and realize I just laid a fully mobile baby on the couch. I turned around just in time to see her roll off the couch and hit the floor. I run to her and Kamrie is so preoccupied with Avery that she trips over the car seat left in the doorway due to the crying baby earlier, and gets a bloody nose. So now I have two screaming girls and some tears of my own. I would like to say it ends there but stick with me...I get Kamrie cleaned up and lay her down for an early nap and finish feeding Avery. Caden gives me a quick pep talk about how it would be better to lay Avery on the floor instead of the couch and we move on.
Later, I am reading to Caden and Kamrie when Kamrie jumps up holding her throat. She was choking on a sucky candy. I slapped her back a few times to no avail. I got really nervous and started hitting harder, the candy finally dislodged and fell to the floor. She was crying again but not because she had choked but because I had "hit" her. I was beginning to wonder if someone had it in for her today. I decided to just hold her for a while and hopefully protect her.
The rest of the day passed without incident, but man what a day. Oh yea, and all this while she is still healing from an incredibly ugly black eye she got last week.


Laura said...

Whoa! That is one rough day! I certainly hope that today is a better day. :) {{{hugs}}}

Jenny said...

Now that is a rough day! I am glad you survived it. I think we all have bad days to some extent, but this topped anything I have had so far. Maybe it's baby #3, we aren't there yet, but soon hopefully! You need a day off to relax!

Krista said...

Wow. What a super mom! You are definitely cut out for this though Rebecca, you are such a pro! It sounds exhausting, and definitely one of those days that breaks you down to tears, but man! Is there anything you CAN'T handle?! I'm glad everyone's okay and that Caden is there to give you that 'pep talk' whenever you need it, haha! What a kid.

Paige said...

I am so sorry. Days like that are very hard and overwhelming. I am starting to wonder what life is going to be like with 4. I guess I will figure it out in a couple of months!

Charity Smith said...

Now I'm scared for baby #3 that seems to be the breaking point!! I'm glad everyone is ok I hope today is better for you! I had to laugh at the pep talk Wyatt would do the exact same thing!!

Stacey said...

Haha, I can laugh only because I know it's over and all the kids are safe. You really are a supermom. You were right there when it all happened and were able to help them right away. I think you just need to take it easy today. Oh and good job being out the door by 10. I only have the 2 kids and that's a very difficult task.

Melissa said...

My goodness you are a brave women and I know you are an amazing Mommy. I say it all the time to myself, it is a miracle kids don't kill themselves. There are too many what if's in their fragil lifes. I am so glad everyone is all right. I am sorry you had to take the brunt of a terrible day but one day your kids will be grateful, one day.

Jayson & Carrie said...

Kudos to you for not pulling your hair out by the end of the day! ;) Some days I think we need another "mommy" around the house because I just don't have enough arms for 4 kids when it gets crazy. Hopefully you got the "when it rains it pours" all in that day and you can relax for awhile. You can do it! Loves!!

whitney said...

So we're expecting our third...and I wasn't that nervous about it until now.

Unknown said...

Yup- its true... Just some days are like that!! Glad everything ended well! Hope everything else is going well!

Veronica said...

Those are all pretty scary situations, you are such a strong, good mommy. I can't believe that most of that was happening to Kamrie, poor little girl. She is tough little girl. Hope all has just been better since!

Lindy said...

One kid is good....one kid is easy... :)