"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Friday, November 30, 2007

I Heart the YMCA

This title comes from a dear friend who uses the word "HEART" in reference to things that are very special to her. I felt that it was the only way to properly say how I feel about the YMCA. Where do I even begin??? I have been contemplating my love for this particular establishment for sometime and this morning I discussed it with some friends as we were in the parking lot walking in to our kick booty spinning class at, you guessed it the YMCA. So I decided post about it because it has been in my thoughts so much lately. It plays such a big part in our lives and oh how I will miss it when it comes time to leave Indy. I know a lot of you are probably saying, "what, you must be crazy" because I have heard that this particular one is very out of the ordinary, and for the most part YMCAs are just a poor and failing attempt to bring programs to communities in need. However ours is neither poor nor failing but it is greatly succeeding in bringing so many wonderful things to us. Let my just tell you some of the many things that we enjoy at the Y. First of all they have a wonderful workout facility with any and all of the equipment to slim down even the chubbiest of thighs (this I know from experience). Along with that there are tons of classes form Yoga to kickboxing and anything else you can imagine for all ages. They even have a child watch area where you can drop your kids off while you work out if you are into that. Caden goes to preschool at the Y, where he learns all kinds of good things including this prayer they say at snack time, "God is great, God is good and we thank Him for this food, amen." I love that even though it's not just like the prayers we may say at home, they are teaching them to be thankful to their Heavenly Father. They also have a really fun indoor jungle gym that helps the kids to get their wiggles out when it is too cold to play outside. This is a real blessing to us as Caden has way more energy than he knows what to do with even when he can play outside. They have a big indoor pool where they teach swimming lessons all year long. In the summer we spend tons of time at the two outdoor pools, one of which is made for young kids so I don't have hold on to both of mine but can let them roam and play freely. In addition to this they have Family Fun Nights once a month were they do fun activities for your entire family, like making ginger bread houses or having breakfast with Santa and doing Christmas Crafts. So anyway, I realize I'm rambling and this really doesn't effect any of you directly in any way but now maybe you can understand to a small degree why I HEART the YMCA so very much.


Laura said...

I wish we had a YMCA here. We have a really amazing Rec Center, but it's sooo expensive to do anything there, let alone take the whole family.

Do you like spinning classes? They look really hard, but that's just what I could use to whip my booty into shape.

And since when do you have experience with chubby thighs!!?

At any rate, I'm glad you heart your YMCA!

Ashley and Cody said...

You are so cute!! I love the YMCA too and it is so fun going with you.

Adri said...

I heart both of the Y's in my life. :)

Veronica said...

I sooo wish we had something like that around here, especially for family fun. sounds really great.

Chelsee Joy said...

Becky! I am so glad you found us. YOur family is gorgeous. YOu look so great...you suck! I need to find something like that for us here. Jackson is getting bored with just mom all the time. Do you like IL? We just moved back from Vegas and it just wasn't for us. I couldn't be that far away from family. It was great to hear from you keep in touch

moosh in indy. said...

Who says they heart everything? What a weirdo.
I can tell you I don't heart Vernal.
Nope. Not at all.