"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Season of Thanksgiving

Since it is almost Thanksgiving, I thought I would write a little about what I am Thankful for just to get in the spirit before the big day. We are blessed with so many wonderful things but it seems like sometimes in the day to day shuffle we lose sight of it all and forget just how blessed we really are. So here we go the biggest and most wonderful blessings in my life (in no specific order).
1. My amazing husband. He is the hardest worker I know! He gets more done in one day than some people do in a week. Sometimes I admit I wish he would be a slacker for just one afternoon but Iam greatful for all his hard work.
2. My fantastic kids. I know its silly but I think I have two of the greatest kids on the planet. They bring us so much joy and just when we think there is no way we can love them anymore they do something perfect and poof...more love. I can't paint this little picture without a touch of reality so, yes there are hard days but never a moment when I am not greatful to be their mom.
3. Family! Brady and I have such wonderful families that love us and support us. We have alway felt that love no matter how far from home we are. What a blessing it is to be a part of these great families
4. Good friends!!! I have always been very blessed to be surrounded by great people to form relationships with. Throughout my life one thing I have never been without are people who I can trust and count on.
5.The Gospel! I am greatful to have a knowledge of a plan and a Father that loves me. The eternal perspective this knowledge offers is irreplacable and a tremendous blessing in my life.

So there are a few and I could go on and on... but you get the idea. Isn't is wonderful that we have a day set aside to reflect on all the things we are blessed with.

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