"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Kicking off the Holidays

So the turkey was great and we had a blast with our friends from school on Thanksgiving, now that it is over we are getting sooooooooo excited for Christmas. Every year since we have been here in Indy we get up on Friday morning (not crazy early like the ambitious Robbins' in Utah) and head out shopping. Don't get me wrong I would love to go with them at 2 am but with our kids it is easier to get up at our regular time and just go out and enjoy the day. This year Caden was old enough to walk through the isles and make a list for Santa....it is about 30 pages long if anyone is interested!!! It was a blast to see how excited they got and they were really good about just looking, writing it on their lists and then putting it back. We also got ideas of what we want to get for others and we even got some of our shopping done...hopefully it will all fit on the plane as we will be spending Christmas in Utah this year and will have to take everything we buy with us. What a good way to kick off the holiday season. We also got to go to the Circle of Lights Celebration downtown at monument Circe. There was music, dancing, a big Christmas tree lighting and firework show. I have always wanted to go but usually after a long day of shopping we just don't feel up to it. This year we planned for it so it worked out great and even though it was FREEZING we had so much fun. The people were packed in so tight we could hardly feel how chilly it was. During the weekend we also started playing Christmas music, got out the Cinnamon candles, and started putting up decorations. I would say we are ready...now the only thing that stands in the way of us and Christmas are finals and a plane ride.
The kids and their buddy Jon "Jepps" looking on as Dave carves the bird

Downtown Indy During the "Circle of Lights"Celebration

The family enjoying all the festivities


Laura said...

Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. I can't believe you braved the crowds on Black Friday! Not me. I like to stay home that day.

The Circle of Lights Celebration sounds like so much fun. There is something similar to that in L-town that I really miss.

You guys look so cute all bundled up.

Veronica said...

I have yet to shop on the Friday after thanksgiving, you are braver than me.

You have a cute family, sounds like you found some great things to do to get into the christmas spirit.

attack of The Mouse said...

I too don't shop on Black Friday. But he Circle lights, I think that would be fun. Looks like it was. Sorry it was so cold.

Kyrsten said...

Wish you were here to shop with us! Danny, Whitnie & I had the time of our lives. J... not so much having to stay home with the kids. :( You've got a cute hat in that picture of your family at the lights! I almost forgot that Lydia & Kamry are gonna be twinners this year in their coats! :)

Cordie said...

Hey Becky,
Don't you love this blogging stuff! It is a perfect way to keep in touch with about everyone! You have such a cute family and you look so good! Have a great Christmas! Take care, Cordie