"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Let the Christmas Preperations Begin

Well it has officaially started...the preps for Christmas have begun and the turkey isn't even in the oven yet! I must admit these aren't the first real preps because I have done a little shopping here and there and we had to buy our plane tickets to go home, but this is big!!! Finally after 5 years of marriage I bought some stockings today. Hooray!!! I have always wanted cute matching stockings for the entire family and I have toyed with the idea of making them but I have never seen anything I am completely in love with so until now we have just had cheap stockings to get by with at our families homes. I was beginning to think we would never have our own wonderful dream stockings, so I have been feeling badly because Caden is getting old enough that the idea of his very own stocking will be so fun. However, after this long of a wait I didn't just want to settle. Wait no longer...thank you Pottery Barn Kids and Aimee, I have found some that are so adorable. We even bought extras for future kids so we can all match (silly I know, but blame the dream I have of the perfect mantel and the perfect matching stockings). So the stockings are on their way but the mantel with have to wait for a couple of years, but we are getting there. I'm so excited for Santa to fill them.


Laura said...

Those stockings are absolutely adorable!

I'm having the same difficulty with stockings. I really want matching stockings for my family, too. But my husband doesn't see what the big deal is.

I love that you bought extras for future children. I had another friend who did that same thing. I think it's really smart thinking.

Veronica said...

I have just been thinking the same thing with stockings.I love my stocking that my grandma made us years ago, but it doesn't match any others and I like matching items. I love those stockings some day when I can save up and not let me husband know I think i would have to go with those cute stockings

Paige said...

Those are my same stockings! I ordered them last year and love them. I still need to order another one for this baby but we can't decide on a name yet and I want it to look the same. So as soon as we pick a name I can order another one. I was surprised at how big they are. Santa really had to put a lot in to fill them up!