"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Turkey Day

We had such a great Thanksgiving. Some of my family was able to make the trip on Wednesday to spend the Holiday with us. Mom, Dad, Mal, Tanner, and Baby Wyatt arrived on Wednesday night. The boys got up early Thursday to play in the Turkey Bowl, I was sleeping so I didn't get any pictures but they were sore for a few days so the memories are there I assure you. While the boys were away us ladies had a ball in the kitchen. We had a fantastic dinner and then the boys went to the Broncos game, they just couldn't get enough football. They had a great time although they almost froze to death. Brady had to work some the rest of the weekend, but some of us were able to take advantage of black friday. There was also a gun show, dinner at the olive garden, lots of games, and so much more. Thanks guys for making the trip. It was so much fun.

Mal and Kamrie making Turkey Crafts

Not the most beautiful pies but they sure were delicious.
We didn't get too fancy but here is the spread

My very first Thanksgivning Turkey!


Morgan@LittleHouseofVeggies said...

Good job on the Thanksgiving turkey! Those suckers can be difficult! You are such a cute mom...

Anonymous said...

Hey are you coming for Christmas? We need to get together!

Blake and Laura said...

This is Laura Wilkes. Yes, I am a blog stalker. We were talking about blogs last night and I found yours through Meridith's. Love your blog.

You guys are such a cute family! We love having Kamrie in nursery. I think she is darling.

Kat said...

Hey Rebecca! This is Kathi Gray...how did I not know that you have a blog? Anyways, ours is rykatgrayfamily.blogspot.com

I had fun chatting with you last night!

Stacey said...

I love the Christmas card. Thanks for all the updates and the cute info. Your kids are getting so grown up, I just can't believe it. Now that you advertised your blog on the letter, you better start updating more often. JK, I'm probably worse at updating than you are. Mal has a baby? How exciting.

Veronica said...

Loooks like a yummy spread. How great that your fam was able to come spend it with you there.