"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."

Monday, August 30, 2010

Daredevil Avery

We are learning more and more what a dare devil our little Avery is. At the beginning of the summer she was riding her little car in the garage while I cleaned out our car after one of the many road trips. She made her way to the edge of the garage and decided to push off and go down the steep part of the driveway. I was watching and wondering if I should stop her but didn't because I could tell she was being cautious and I wanted to see the outcome...it didn't end well. She gave a big push, lifted her legs, got going really fast, then turned the handles and bailed. I raced over to kiss her wounds and all she wanted was to get back on the car so I carried it back to the garage and told her again to ride "by mommy". This time before I knew what was happening she was doing it again, this time it ended worse with lots of scrapes and even a little blood. When I picked her up this time she still wanted to get back on the car but we decided to come inside where the scrapes don't happen quite as easily.

Here are the worst of the battle wounds after they had had a few days to heal.

She now rides the three wheel scooter and wants to be pushed on the 2-wheeler bikes constantly. She is simply is just not scared of anything.

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