Kamrie after getting a snowball in the face, not too fun, but she was a real trooper
Caden making another snow angel, one of his favorite things.
"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away."
Kamrie after getting a snowball in the face, not too fun, but she was a real trooper
Caden making another snow angel, one of his favorite things.
Downtown Indy During the "Circle of Lights"Celebration
The family enjoying all the festivities
The Pumpkin eating dinosaur helped get the kids out of the sand. When Caden heard him growling and chomping he had to see what was going on and Kamrie was quick to follow. I didn't get any pictures of him actually eating but this was cute anyway.
These carts were another real highlight (well who am I kidding the entire night the kids were running around like they just didn't know what to do next so every part was pretty much our favorite part) but Caden had a ball on these even though he could barely reach the peddles.
Finally, we got to take a hayride to the pumpkin patch where we picked out the perfect pumpkins.When I asked Caden which pumpkin he wanted the simply replied "the best one" it took him a minute to find it but after he did he was perfectly satisfied.
These are just some cute pictures of the kids posing for me. What little cuties they are!!!
Last of all, tonight we got the kids all dressed up again and took them out trick-or-treating around our little complex. We were lucky to run into some friends so the kids had some pals to run with. They looked adorable, the little group consisted of Woody, Bo Peep, Pocahontas, a Lion, a Skunk, Cinderella, the Black Spider man, Super girl, a Power Ranger, a Ninja Turtle, a Flamingo, and beautiful Princess all around.
Bo Peep couldn't get enough of the Trick-or -Treating thing. She loves candy and she thought it was great that everyone was just giving it to her. One thing about it though, she never forgot to say thank you. People were surprised to hear her speak so it was kind of funny.
The group doing their thing.
Caden and Kam with their heap after the big night, I don't know what we will ever do with it all, but we sure had fun getting it :)
This was an amazing show!!! It made the trip spectacular.
This is part of Chicago from the Ferris wheel at Navy Pier. What a beautiful day!!!
We weren't terribly excited to pose on the wall but Adri insisted, I think it turned out cute.
All in all we had a really good trip. Most of the girls that went will be leaving after this year so it was kind of a last bash. I'm really glad we got to go!!!
Caden and daddy playing games at the arcade
These are the prizes we won with our tickets from the arcade...hardly worth the 20+ dollars we probably spent but it was a blast, and hey that's what vacation is all about right?
My little golfers!!!
I think she ate just about as many as we brought home but she was content as long as there was an apple in her had so we just let her go.
Caden really liked picking apples with the claw and deciding weather they were good enough to go in the bag or not, believe it or not most of them didn't make the cut. They either had too many "dimples or circles" as he called them. I'm not really sure what criteria he followed but we sure got some good apples.
"Mom when you do that my bum jiggles."I'm not sure if she really ment her's or mine but reguardless I started rinning faster just to burn all that jiggles.
"It doesn't have anything in it."She then proceeded to pick up several of them trying to find one with money in it. It was so cute. I explained really quick that we put money in it after we bring it home and she quickly understood. I love her innocence
I don't listen to you mom, I listen to my heart.Thank you Mulan.
"Maybe she has some milk in her boo boos."Since then we have had to explain how nursing works. I guess it is a little hard for a 4 year old to take in.
"my life is tough like Cinderella."She is so dramatic.
"Please bless that we can travel safely when we move."We haven't really talked much about the move since it is at least 4 months away, but whatever we have said really must have stuck with him.
..."Please bless Johnen and all the candy he gave me."It was hard not to laugh but I think all the candy was really important to her. Thanks John and Lindy.
"I found it mom!!! I was looking and I just said a prayer to Jesus and when I opened my eyes there is was. "I'm so lucky to get to learn from him each and every day. This was such a great teaching moment for him and for me. Thanks for the great example Caden.
She really does love that boy.
He is turning into such a big boy, or at least he sure thinks so.
I'm trying to turn that thing on with magic words."Sunday June 15th 2008: We had a little cookout with some friends for Father's Day and Caden was in Heaven because he got to spend time with his best friend Macy. As we watched them play we caught them dancing on the playground so later I asked him if he had fun, hoping to get him to talk about it a little bit. The conversation went like this,
"You're not the boss mom."
We are in trouble with this one!
"Mom! I have hair on my legs if you
look closer!!!"
I thought 3 was a little early to get excited about body hair but he was ecstatic.
"I just climbed and climbed."Tuesday April 15th 2008: Yesterday I was making a treat for FHE and the kids were coming in and out helping with whatever they could. Kamrie walked in as I was putting the Peanut butter in and said,
"I like it already!"
Have I mentioned this girls love for food!?!
"Hi Lexi, cute shoes!"
What a GIRL!!!
"Your welcome mommy, no problem at all."What a tough guy!!!